Designer Diaries - Robel Dimaano

Studio Director and Senior Associate Robel Dimaano shares his inspirations and favorite things in this edition of Designer Diaries.

1)      What is your favorite BHD project (either that you have worked on or not)?

There are so many. If I must pick a favorite, it would be my very first project at BHD: Four Seasons Jackson Hole. I appreciated how the design was authentic and timeless.

FS Jackson Hole-3.jpg
FS Jackson Hole-4_entry_lobby lounge.jpg
FS Jackson Hole-6.jpg

2)      What is your favorite design product?

Anything Apple makes. From packaging, to the actual product, and to the user interface. Oh, and the Apple campus is not too shabby

3)      What (or who) inspired you to be a designer?

Several People influenced me. In my younger years, it was my aunt who is an actress in the Philippines. The very stylish Mrs. Celia Rodriguez. I loved her sense of fashion and the design sensibilities of her home-It was very Luxurious. Later on, it was Jony Ive. He is instrumental in bringing change to our connected lives. He shows us how we interact with design on a day to day basis - "There is beauty when something works, and it works intuitively."

4)     What is your most used emoji?


5)    What are you streaming right now?

Just finished Ted Lasso – It’s really funny, can’t wait for Season 2. More Fizzy water, anyone?

6)  What is your favorite snack food?

Anything with Cheese or Nuts. You are what you eat.

7)      What is something that none of your coworkers know about you?

I share the same birthday as Ronald Reagan and Axl Rose. I guess you can say I share the same qualities – depends on the mood of the day and deadlines.

8)      If you could teleport somewhere right now where would you go?

Back Home to the Philippines. Would love to see Family and Friends – haven’t been back in 30 years!

9)      Where have you gotten lost on purpose?

Anywhere and as much as possible – love to drive around and discovering restaurants, site seeing and learning about new places.

10)    Coffee or Tea? How do you take it?

Simple Coffee with sugar and cream. Must have in the AM…

11) How do you get your news?

I have several news Apps on my phone - LA Times, USA Today, SF Gate, Flipboard and Apple News. Apple News is great; It covers a lot of select news that is catered to your interests.